Monday, 9 December 2019

Kazamaták és Kompániák - Advanced Classes

The second edition of the Hungarian retro-clone, Kamazaták és Kompániák is imminent, and even though it won't be available in English, I've decided to make certain key elements of it available for an international audience - partially because if I ever decide to run something B/X-like in English, I'll most certainly pick KéK over OSE (after years of extensive playtesting and fine-tuning, I just prefer it to B/X).

Below you will find the six "advanced" classes for the Hungarian retro-clone, Kamazaták és Kompániák (abbreviated, for it is but a reference work) - next time we look at the spell lists for magic-using classes (and as before, the devil's in the details).

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Kazamaták és Kompániák - Basic Classes

The second edition of the Hungarian retro-clone, Kamazaták és Kompániák (Dungeons & Companies) is imminent, and even though it won't be published in English (as there are already enough B/X-like games), I've decided to make certain key elements of it available for an international audience - partially because if I ever decide to run something B/X-like in English, I'll most certainly pick KéK over OSE (after years of extensive playtesting and fine-tuning, I just prefer it to B/X).

Below you will find the seven basic classes (abbreviated, for it is but a reference work) - next time we look at the "advanced" classes (described as "classes for wilderness and city campaigns" in KéK), and finally, spell lists for both "basic" and "advanced" classes (and as before, the devil's in the details).

A few notes:

  • Level limit is 6 by default (for player characters at least).
  • Attack rolls are 1d20 + attacker's to-hit bonuses + defenders's AC vs. 20.
  • Morale and hireling rules are roughly as in B/X (see either Echoes from Fomalhaut #01 or Castle Xyntillan for details).
  • On D6 rolls (such as class abilities or random encounter rolls) it is assumed that high rolls favour the party, while low rolls hinder them.
  • XP is awareded for defeating enemies (based on HD and special abilities), recovering teasure (1 XP per 1 gp), and carousing (1 XP per 1 gp).
  • Spellcasting requires memorisation.
  • The default mode of play is dungeon exploration, and hit points are rerolled at the beginning of each expedition.
  • Small weapons deal 1d4 damage, one-handed weapons 1d6, and two-handed weapons 1d8.
  • Helmets may be sacrificed to negate a mortal blow (a variant of shields shall be splintered).