I will talk more about the campaign pretty soon; for now, I'll only say it's the same setting my dear three witches dwell in.
d666 | Female | Male | Surname |
111 | Acantha | Aaron | Abyss |
112 | Adamantine | Abel | Acheron |
113 | Adeliza | Abraham | Alabaster |
114 | Adrianna | Abraxas | Amaranth |
115 | Agnes | Achilles | Argent |
116 | Alcesta | Adrian | Ashcroft |
121 | Alice | Aeneas | Ashes |
122 | Amanda | Agrippa | Aura |
123 | Amaris | Alastair | Autumn |
124 | Ambrosia | Albany | Babylon |
125 | Amethyst | Albert | Baldrick |
126 | Amoret | Albion | Barker |
131 | Anchoretta | Alexander | Battle |
132 | Andromeda | Algar | Belladonna |
133 | Anette | Almeric | Blade |
134 | Anna | Alpheus | Bliss |
135 | Antoinette | Amadeus | Blue |
136 | Antonia | Amias | Brink |
141 | Aramantha | Amraphel | Calamity |
142 | Ariel | Andronicus | Century |
143 | Artemisia | Angus | Chalice |
144 | Asenath | Aquilla | Chaos |
145 | Aspasia | Archelaus | Chapel |
146 | Aurelia | Aristide | Chrysanthemum |
151 | Bathsheba | Arphaxad | Cinder |
152 | Beatrice | Artemas | Cornix |
153 | Bellamira | Arthur | Corvus |
154 | Bellatrix | Ash | Crimson |
155 | Bellicent | Aurelius | Cyan |
156 | Belvidera | Balthasar | December |
161 | Bernadette | Barclay | Dolores |
162 | Bethany | Barnabas | Drachen |
163 | Bianca | Bartleby | Draegan |
164 | Blanche | Bates | Drakkar |
165 | Boadicea | Benedict | Draven |
166 | Brilliana | Beresford | Dream |
211 | Camille | Bernard | Dredd |
212 | Caroline | Bram | Dusk |
213 | Cassandra | Cadwal | Ebony |
214 | Cassiopeia | Cadwallader | Echo |
215 | Castilla | Cain | Eclipse |
216 | Celestia | Caligula | Edge |
221 | Celia | Casimir | Elysium |
222 | Charlotte | Caspar | Ember |
223 | Clarimond | Cassander | Enigma |
224 | Clarissa | Cephas | Essence |
225 | Cleopatra | Clive | Eternity |
226 | Constantia | Cornelius | Eventide |
231 | Cornelia | Courtney | Fate |
232 | Crescentia | Crow | February |
233 | Deidamia | Cyneric | Forest |
234 | Delilah | Cyprian | Forever |
235 | Delphina | Cyrillus | Foxglove |
236 | Demetria | Damien | Friday |
241 | Desdemona | Darius | Frost |
242 | Diana | David | Garnet |
243 | Dorinda | Demosthenes | Gefjun |
244 | Dorothy | Devereux | Glacier |
245 | Drusilla | Dion | Glimmer |
246 | Edwina | Draco | Godwin |
251 | Eileen | Dromio | Golgotha |
252 | Elaine | Dryden | Gossamer |
253 | Eleanor | Duncan | Gotham |
254 | Elektra | Edmond | Grail |
255 | Elizabeth | Edric | Granite |
256 | Elsa | Edward | Grey |
261 | Elvira | Egeon | Grigori |
262 | Emerentiana | Ethelbert | Gusty |
263 | Emily | Eugene | Hades |
264 | Emma | Eusebius | Hail |
265 | Eris | Everard | Halo |
266 | Ermina | Fabian | Haven |
311 | Esmeralda | Ferdinand | Hawthorne |
312 | Esperanza | Florence | Hellebore |
313 | Esther | Franklin | Hemlock |
314 | Etheldreda | Frederick | Icy |
315 | Ethelfleda | Gabriel | Illusion |
316 | Ethelinda | Galenus | Imperia |
321 | Eufrosina | Gawain | Infinity |
322 | Eugeneia | Geoffrey | Innocent |
323 | Euphrosyne | Gerhardt | Innominata |
324 | Eurania | Gilad | Ivory |
325 | Eusebia | Graham | Ivy |
326 | Evelyn | Granville | January |
331 | Everalda | Gregory | Jett |
332 | Fanny | Hadrian | Jinx |
333 | Faustina | Hamlet | Journey |
334 | Fiora | Hector | Kaige |
335 | Florence | Henry | Kandyl |
336 | Francesca | Hercules | Kindle |
341 | Gabrielle | Hermes | Kindred |
342 | Geneva | Herod | Labyrinth |
343 | Georgette | Hieronymus | Lace |
344 | Gertrude | Homer | Lachrimae |
345 | Grace | Horace | Lasombra |
346 | Guinevere | Howard | Layre |
351 | Gwyneth | Hubert | Lazarus |
352 | Hannah | Ignatius | Legacy |
353 | Helen | Isaac | Legend |
354 | Hermia | Isambard | Leviathan |
355 | Hermione | Ixion | Lithia |
356 | Hesperia | Jacob | Locke |
361 | Hortensia | James | London |
362 | Igraine | Jason | Lore |
363 | Irene | Jasper | Lucifer |
364 | Isabel | Jefferson | Lughnasa |
365 | Isidora | Job | Lulla |
366 | Isolde | John | Luna |
411 | Isoline | Jonah | Lynk |
412 | Jael | Jonathan | Machen |
413 | Julia | Justinian | Maleficent |
414 | Juliet | Kadir | Mayze |
415 | Kallisto | Kahn | Memory |
416 | Karen | Kaleb | Mercy |
421 | Karina | Keith | Midnight |
422 | Karma | Kelvin | Minax |
423 | Kassandra | Lancelot | Mink |
424 | Katelyn | Lapidoth | Mirage |
425 | Katherine | Lazarus | Misericordia |
426 | Lamia | Lennox | Mist |
431 | Laodamia | Leoline | Monday |
432 | Lenore | Leonidas | Morrow |
433 | Leona | Leopold | Mortis |
434 | Leonella | Lucius | Mystery |
435 | Lethe | Luke | Myth |
436 | Lilith | Luther | Nebula |
441 | Lissandra | Lysander | Neval |
442 | Lois | Malcolm | Nightshade |
443 | Lorie | Mark | Nocturne |
444 | Lucretia | Marsena | Noire |
445 | Lusitania | Mathis | Nosferatu |
446 | Lychorida | Matthew | November |
451 | Lystra | Maximilian | Obsidian |
452 | Madeline | Melancthon | October |
453 | Magdalene | Melbourne | Oleander |
454 | Mara | Michael | Omen |
455 | Marcellin | Milton | Onyx |
456 | Margaret | Montmorency | Pancuronium |
461 | Margot | Mordred | Panther |
462 | Mariana | Morfran | Pardon |
463 | Marionette | Mortimer | Parrish |
464 | Martha | Mycroft | Payne |
465 | Mary | Nathan | Pentecost |
466 | Matilda | Nehemias | Peregrine |
511 | Medea | Nestor | Poe |
512 | Medora | Nicholas | Prysm |
513 | Melania | Nikandros | Raggi |
514 | Melusina | Nikomachos | Rain |
515 | Melvina | Octavius | Ransom |
516 | Menodora | Oliver | Rapture |
521 | Mia | Onyx | Rave |
522 | Milborough | Orestes | Raven |
523 | Minerva | Origenes | Refuge |
534 | Morforwyn | Orlando | Remember |
525 | Morgana | Oscar | Requiem |
526 | Morrigan | Oswald | Rogue |
531 | Morwenna | Othello | Rosary |
532 | Narcissa | Otto | Sabbath |
533 | Nerissa | Paris | Sable |
534 | Nike | Paul | Sabre |
535 | Nymphodora | Pelagius | Salem |
536 | Nyx | Percy | Salvation |
541 | Odelia | Pericles | Satin |
542 | Olivia | Peter | Scarlet |
543 | Ophelia | Pharoah | Seraphim |
544 | Pandora | Philander | Shabriri |
545 | Petronilla | Philemon | Shadow |
546 | Phaedra | Philetus | Shaw |
551 | Philadelphia | Prospero | Shayde |
552 | Phoebe | Proteus | Shelley |
553 | Portia | Ptolomy | Siberia |
554 | Quinn | Quinn | Silence |
555 | Ramona | Rafael | Silver |
556 | Regina | Randolph | Smoky |
561 | Rheia | Ranulphus | Snow |
562 | Rhoda | Richard | Solanine |
563 | Rosalind | Robert | Solitude |
564 | Rosaline | Robin | Solstice |
565 | Rowena | Samael | Spirit |
566 | Sappho | Samuel | Steele |
611 | Sarah | Sarpedon | Stoker |
612 | Semiramis | Sebastian | Stone |
613 | Silvia | Swithin | Storm |
614 | Sophia | Sylvester | Stryker |
615 | Sophronia | Taliesin | Sullen |
616 | Syndonia | Tarquin | Sunday |
621 | Tamora | Theoderic | Talon |
622 | Thalia | Theophilus | Tempest |
623 | Theodocia | Timon | Temple |
624 | Theodora | Tresillian | Tenebrae |
625 | Theodorine | Trevelyan | Thorne |
626 | Theophania | Tristan | Thunder |
631 | Titania | Tullius | Tintagel |
632 | Tristana | Ulric | Tranqility |
633 | Tryphena | Uranus | Trilogy |
634 | Tryphosa | Uriel | Trinket |
635 | Tullia | Uther | Tsunami |
636 | Ursula | Valentine | Tuesday |
641 | Ursuline | Vane | Twilight |
642 | Valeria | Varrius | Vail |
643 | Vashti | Varus | Velvet |
644 | Venus | Virgil | Vice |
645 | Vesperina | Vitruvius | Walpole |
646 | Victoria | Vitus | Whisper |
651 | Victorine | Vivian | Wilkinson |
652 | Viola | Voltaire | Willow |
653 | Violetta | Walter | Winter |
654 | Virginia | Wilhelm | Wish |
655 | Xantippe | William | Woe |
656 | Xenia | Wolfe | Wolf |
661 | Ximena | Wolfgang | Zaphara |
662 | Zenobia | Wolstan | Zen |
663 | Zetilla | Xenophon | Zephyr |
664 | Zilla | Xerxes | Zillah |
665 | Zoe | Zachary | Zima |
666 | Zuleika | Zeno | Zurie |
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