
Monday, 1 April 2019

G+ is Dead, Long Live Patreon

Google+, my favoured social media platform, is about to be terminated. Naturally, there is no better day in the calendar to announce that I have signed the Book of the Devil and launched my own Patreon. I will gratuitously accept money thrown at me under the guise that it would help me make more blog posts, although I fully intend to spend all the cash on blackjack and hookers.



  1. Hi Ynas - I hope your deal with Mefisztó turns out well! According to Google Translate, I have signed up to be your védnök- it sounds way cooler in Hungarian.

    Whatever it takes, keep on doing what you do!

    p.s. Too bad Google + didn't announce they would die on April 1st, then return to life on April 2nd with a "Just kidding, suckahs!"

    1. Thank you very much for your support!

      Pártfogó, I guess, is the actual term, but védnök does sound pretty cool ;)

      It would have been awesome if it had turned out it was just a long con for April 1st :D
