
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Social Combat in AS&SH

The following is a summary and conversion of the social combat rules found in Courtney Campbell's On the Non-player Character.

Characters may substitute one of their attacks (regardless of whether melee or missile) to make one of the following special attacks to deal non-lethal damage. Non-lethal damage is not deducted from one's current hit points but is totalled separately; once it exceeds 1/4 or 1/2 of the creature's current hit points, a Minor or Major effect takes place, respectively, depending on the attack type.

Attacks are resolved as follows:
  • 1d20 - 4 (base penalty) + Intelligence modifier + Charisma modifier
  • target AC equals either (10 - Wisdom score) or (10 - Morale) - 1 per 2 HD; creatures with animal intelligence have +4 AC bonus
  • the attacker's Fighting Ability is a key factor; use your character's regular attack matrix to determine success
  • successful attacks deal 1d8 points of non-lethal damage, plus the better of your Intelligence or Charisma modifier
N.B.: For the purposes of social combat, Intelligence modifier equals the number of extra languages, while Charisma modifier equals reaction bonus.

There are four social attack types, as described below; note that some creatures may be immune to any or all of these attacks (e.g. automata, zombies, fungi, etc.): 

  • A successful attack forces the target to make a morale check at the end of the round.
  • Shaken (Minor): Target receives -2 to-hit and saving throws.
  • Frightened (Major): Target automatically flees the encounter.
  • A successful attack grants +2 morale to the target (only once in a single encounter).
  • Insulted (Minor): Target is granted +1 to-hit and damage; also, it focuses its attacks on the taunter, if possible.
  • Enraged (Major): Target receives +2 further to-hit and damage bonus, +4 AC penalty, and it fights until killed or subdued (effective Morale of 12).
  • Distracted (Minor): Target hereafter acts last in the round, and its AC is penalised by 1.
  • Confused (Major): Target acts as if under the effects of confusion. 
  • Engaged (Minor): The target makes a morale check with an effective Morale increased by +1 for each ally still in combat; failure indicates a new reaction roll and the beginning of a social encounter.
  • Enraptured (Major): Target ends fighting; the attacker makes a new reaction roll with +2 bonus.

Below is given a summary of the bonuses granted by character class:
  • Fighter: +2 to-hit with either Fear or Anger attacks.
  • Magician: +2 to-hit with any one social attack type; using an appropriate spell negates the base penalty.
  • Cleric: +2 to-hit with either Fear or Charm attacks.
  • Thief: +1 + 1/2 Level to-hit with all social attacks.
  • Barbarian: +2 to-hit with either Fear or Confusion attacks.
  • Berserker: +2 to-hit with Fear attacks; while raging, immunity to social attacks (cf. Unbreakable Willpower).
  • Cataphract: +2 to-hit with either Fear or Charm attacks.
  • Paladin: +2 to-hit with either Fear or Charm attacks.
  • Ranger: No base penalty, +4 to-hit, and double damage against otherworldly creatures.
  • Warlock: +2 to-hit with any one social attack type; using an appropriate spell negates the base penalty.
  • Illusionist: +2 to-hit with Confusion and Fear attacks; using an appropriate spells grants +SpellLevel to-hit and deals double damage.
  • Necromancer: +Level to-hit with Fear attacks; using an appropriate spell grants +SpellLevel to-hit and deals double damage.
  • Pyromancer: +Level to-hit with Fear or Anger attacks; using an appropriate spell grants +SpellLevel to-hit and deals double damage.
  • Witch: +4 to-hit with Charm attacks; deals double Charm damage.
  • Druid: No base penalty, +4 to-hit, and double damage against animals.
  • Monk: +Level AC bonus against social attacks.
  • Priest: +2 to-hit with either Charm or Confusion attacks.
  • Shaman: +2 to-hit with either Charm or Confusion attacks.
  • Assassin: No base penalty, +Level to-hit, and double damage with Fear attacks.
  • Bard: No base penalty, +Level to-hit bonus, and double Intelligence or Charisma bonus for damage - with all social attacks.
  • Legerdemainist: +2 to-hit with Confusion attacks; using an appropriate spell grants +SpellLevel to-hit and deals double damage.
  • Scout: No base penalty, +4 to-hit, and double damage against animals.

1 comment:

  1. I've crunched some numbers and came up with a much more satisfying and simple variant; not that I have anything against baroque rules, but the differences between characters seem too large. Expect a "social combat redux post" in the near future.
