
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Social Combat in AS&SH

The following is a summary and conversion of the social combat rules found in Courtney Campbell's On the Non-player Character.

Characters may substitute one of their attacks (regardless of whether melee or missile) to make one of the following special attacks to deal non-lethal damage. Non-lethal damage is not deducted from one's current hit points but is totalled separately; once it exceeds 1/4 or 1/2 of the creature's current hit points, a Minor or Major effect takes place, respectively, depending on the attack type.

Attacks are resolved as follows:
  • 1d20 - 4 (base penalty) + Intelligence modifier + Charisma modifier
  • target AC equals either (10 - Wisdom score) or (10 - Morale) - 1 per 2 HD; creatures with animal intelligence have +4 AC bonus
  • the attacker's Fighting Ability is a key factor; use your character's regular attack matrix to determine success
  • successful attacks deal 1d8 points of non-lethal damage, plus the better of your Intelligence or Charisma modifier
N.B.: For the purposes of social combat, Intelligence modifier equals the number of extra languages, while Charisma modifier equals reaction bonus.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

AS&SH - Session 12

Session 12 (October 18, 2014)

(Back to Session 1)

In which the party inquires about a way of getting home, sets sail toward the west, and suffers a great tragedy.

This time the party consisted of the following characters:
  • Harald Greentooth (Viking Fighter 4), the last of the original cast
  • Esja Waldensdottir (Viking Ranger 2)
  • Phlianos (Ixian Legerdemainist 2)
  • Laoise (Ixian Druid 2), a non-hater Ixian, who grew up among the Kelts
  • Styrr (Viking Fighter 2), a member of the crew promoted to PC status

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Upcoming OSR Games and Supplements, Part 2

Although none of the works mentioned in Part 1 have been published in their final form, I am here to speak about a couple of other projects that have got my attention.